Dipl.-Päd. Kerstin Emmert
Dipl.-Päd. Kerstin Emmert
About Kerstin Emmert
Kerstin Emmert co-coordinates the open seminar program, is responsible for the qualification program for tutors at FAU and works in the Erasmus+ project FLUENT (FLexible Universal Educational model for a New hybrid Teaching).
- since 2020: Research assistant at the FAU Training Center for University Teaching (FBZHL)
- 2017 to 2020: Educational assistant at the IT training center of the Regional Computing Center Erlangen (RRZE)
- 2014 to 2016: Advisor for University Didactics, Nuremberg University of Applied Sciences Georg Simon Ohm
- 2007 to 2013: Research assistant at the Chair of Andragogy, Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg
- Since 2005: Freelance trainer in the field of adult education, lecturer at the Lutheran University of Applied Sciences, expert for the Learner- and Customer-oriented Quality Testing (LKQT)
- 2000 to 2004: Degree in Educational Science and Sociology with focus on Andragogy, Otto-Friedrich-University of Bamberg, Germany
- 2000: Studying abroad, Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal
- 1997 bis 2000: Degree in Educational Science and Psychology, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
- Bender, Walter; Emmert, Kerstin; Lerch, Sebastian (2009): Evaluation und Transfer in der Personalentwicklung. In: PersonalEntwickeln. Loseblattsammlung (130. Erg.-Lfg.), 5.63, S. 1-28.
- Emmert, Kerstin; Lerch, Sebastian (2008): Engagement für die Andragogik: Leben und Wirken für das Lernen mit Erwachsenen. In: Bender, Walter u.a. (Hrsg.): Die Bamberger Andragogik. Studium und Berufsperspektiven in Erwachsenenbildung, beruflicher Weiterbildung und Personalentwicklung. Tönning/Lübeck/Marburg: Der Andere Verlag, S. 14-21.
- Emmert, Kerstin; Lerch, Sebastian (2008): Evaluation und Transfer in der betrieblichen Personalentwicklung. Grenzen ausloten. In: Weiterbildung. Zeitschrift für Grundlagen, Praxis und Trends. 4/2008, S. 26-30.
- Fundamentals of higher education teaching
- Methodology and educational skills for tutors
- Peer or collegial observation
- Train-the-trainer